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- Music by Mike of TheMusic.FM and ddpesh
- Writers Caitlin Delohery, Anne Hays, and Tess Taylor read from their favorite young adult literature novels
- YAL (Young Adult Literature) Open Mic!
- Free Advice from Felix Morelo
Admission: FREE with book, or $8. Books must be 7th-8th grade reading level and in good condition. All proceeds will go to Mott Hall IV Middle School in Ocean-Hill/Brownsville.
All on September 13th 6-8:30 PM at the CAMEO GALLERY at the Lovin' Cup Cafe.
All on September 13th 6-8:30 PM at the CAMEO GALLERY at the Lovin' Cup Cafe.
Oooh, I wish I could be there. I would totally read from Maniac Magee!